
International network for aid, relief and assistance


INARA is always in need of your support and contributions, it is the generous people who donate for our programs that keep us going.

You too can help INARA in various ways, either by direct donations, or setting up your own fundraisers, events, shopping for charity, or joining our team of online advocates for INARA.

This page has all the information you need on the various ways you can help INARA.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out.

How can you help?

We can’t do our life-changing work without your help. To provide medical and mental care to children in desperate need, you can help raise money for INARA’s programs. There are various ways to help out.

Fundraising events are a fun and practical way of raising money. There are a variety of ways to fundraise in person or online. We have a prepared a few documents to help you with your event. It includes event ideas, steps to follow and promotional materials.

For online fundraising, the best way to do it is through JustGiving. Make sure you select INARA as your charity of choice, and then share the link with your friends and family.

If you are holding a fundraiser for INARA, please let us know so we can help if needed and let our followers know about it!

For your birthday this year, you can ask people to get the best gift there is to children in need on your behalf: Healing!  You can ask your friends to donate a gift to you by creating your own fundraiser on Facebook or running your own campaign on JustGiving. It’s a fantastic way to help us raise money and spread awareness about INARA’s work.

Are you an athlete? Do you have a passion for a certain kind of sporting activity?  Take part in a sporting event to raise money for INARA and spread the word about the life-saving work we do.

In the past, our incredible supporters have raised funds through the London Marathon, the Marathon des Sables, and INARA’s Summits for Smiles. Whatever you decide to do, please make sure you let us know so we can support in any way we can!

There are a number of ways you can shop online while raising money for INARA. One is through Amazon Smile. You can register INARA as your selected charity by searching for International Network for Aid, Relief and Assistance and link us to your Amazon account. Currently, this option is only available in the USA. Whenever you shop, a small percentage will be given to INARA!

INARA has partnered with DCB World and Romero Britto on their new NFT collaboration. Through this project, you have the chance to buy one of a million uniquely designed NFTs . For every NFT you purchase, a percentage of the sale will be donated to INARA!

With each purchase made, ZOX will be donating 100% of the proceeds from the sales to INARA to aid in its life-changing mission. Join us in making an impact to last a lifetime and purchase one here.

Please visit our Corporates page to learn more about what you can do.

Resources to get you started!

INARA at a glance, a one page document that explains everything about INARA.

Download it here

INARA’s guide, planning a successful event.

Download it here

An in-depth view of our programs so you can script your own tailored fundraiser

Download it here

Our annual reports contain numbers and statements that can help you extract messages to target your audience

Download it here

A guide on setting up a JustGiving Page

Show your support to INARA by inserting this code on your blog, it will add a small clickable banner!

<p><a href="http://www.inara.org"><img alt="" src="https://www.inara.org/2023/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/banner.png" style="height:124px; width:367px" /></a></p>