
International network for aid, relief and assistance


We can't change their past, but together we can help them lead a healthier future.

Treating conflict impacted children is a complicated, lengthy, and expensive process. INARA has been helping children in need for years now. A donation to INARA can make a huge difference to their lives. To help you understand what your donation to INARA could mean for a vulnerable or refugee child in need, we’ve explained below.

$15 This would pay for a child’s medicine costs for an entire week. A medication that can prevent burns from getting any more infected and stop sepsis.

$50 This covers the cost of an x-ray so that doctors could better diagnose an orthopedic injury and provide a better medical plan.

$100 Transportation for a child to get to and from speech therapy sessions. This will help a child to learn to speak and interact with others.

$300 One child’s recovery time in a hospital bed for about half a day.

$500 This could pay for a small surgery that will allow a child to go back to school.

$1,000 This could pay for a slightly more complicated surgery such as removing scar tissue so a child can move freely again

$7000 is the average cost of treating an INARA child from start to finish.

Make a change

Fund life-saving, life-changing medical care. Your donation can help us to significantly improve a child’s life.

Create a monthly subscription

When you donate monthly, you become a part of a select group of individuals who are helping to save children’s lives.

Donate for someone you love

Donate to INARA on behalf of someone you love, and you can give a child the gift of hope for a better future.

There’s one really easy way to deliver real change to others this year, and that’s by setting up a monthly donation to INARA.

Every time we meet a parent whose child has been impacted by war or from living as refugees, we’re told how they would do anything to stop their child’s suffering. But finding work and saving money to pay for expensive medical treatment is often impossible for these parents.

This is where you can do something to help.

Here at INARA we do everything we can to put an end to the pain and misery of an injured child. The refugee and war impacted children and families we meet often feel as though there is no one out there who can help them. We act as a reminder that people do still care. But we can only do that if people continue to donate.


To do the incredible work that we do we are calling on people today to set up a monthly donation. If we want to pay for one extra child’s treatment, we don’t need many people to help. All we would need in one year is:

6 people to sign up for $50 per month
12 people to sign up for $25 per month
20 people to sign up for $15 per month

As you can see, it doesn’t take a lot of money or a lot of people to make a big change for a conflict impacted child who have lost everything because of war. So set up your monthly donation today.