
International network for aid, relief and assistance


INARA provides a holistic approach in care for the beneficiaries and their families.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

a holistic approach

Working with conflict impacted children, we always knew that for them to truly heal, we needed to move into a holistic approach tackling both their physical and mental health. As a result, we introduced a program through which we tend to children’s physical and mental wounds, with a medical plan, a mental health plan and family interventions, taking into account the child’s home environment and family dynamics. 

Through our family interventions, we provide mental health and psychosocial support to the children and their families, and offer activities and counselling to guide and help them overcome their trauma, in the Safe Spaces we are creating.

Our Rapid Response program is designed to be activated in emergencies and crises in our areas of operation. This program was activated to respond to many crises we’ve faced like the Covid-19 pandemic and the Beirut Port explosion. 

INARA has operations in Turkiye, Lebanon, and Ukraine and provides it’s services to children of all nationalities in these locations.

Through our varied programs and services, INARA provides a holistic approach in care for our beneficiaries and their families. 


INARA seeks to improve injured children’s physical health and quality of life through financial support and increased access to services. We work with health institutions to provide access to life-altering medical care for conflict impacted children who are unable to access or afford treatment.

We fully cover all medical treatments, surgeries, and logistical costs involved in supporting children until they are fully healed, which can take years. We also provide case management services and pair each beneficiary with a case worker who manages and oversees their treatment journey.

It takes an average of $7000 to fully treat a child.


In order for a child to fully heal, they need to process the trauma they went through, understand it, and overcome it. Our in-house mental health program is run by mental health professionals specialized in child and adolescent psychology and psychiatry as well as pediatric trauma.

At the start of the child’s journey, a detailed assessment is conducted to determine the child’s needs. Based on this assessment, our team of mental health experts set out a personalized treatment plan-using evidence-based approaches- that includes one-on-one therapy sessions, psychiatric consultations and medications if and when needed. 



For a more holistic approach, we need to take into account the stressors and variables present in the child’s day-to-day life. As a result, for him to receive the proper care that he needs, INARA also provides Family interventions during which we work with the parents to create a healthy home environment that would allow the child to flourish and grow. We offer parental guidance as well as family guidance, considering the best interest of the child is of the utmost importance at INARA.


INARA’s Rapid Response is designed to respond to crises, emergencies and natural disasters in our areas of operation.

Through this program, we shift a portion of our funding to be able to respond, assess needs on the ground and fill in the gaps we find in access to care. 

This program was used to respond to the Beirut Port Explosion in August 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic and is currently active in Türkiye, Syria and Ukraine. 


Deploy teams that provide medical consultations and follow-ups to all survivors and locals, especially those who were discharged from hospitals too soon.


Distribute relief items based on needs assessment to the families of our beneficiaries and to the local population, particularly to the most vulnerable families.


Provide mental health and psychosocial support and create safe spaces for children with activities and counselling to help them and their families overcome trauma.

Your help and support with donations and volunteering is essential for INARA so we can continue to provide our needs based approach where our Rapid Response program is active.